Author: Simon Allison

Neil's blog

What would Lady Gaga do?

Critical to the success of any endeavour is the critic’s critique.  Open a dictionary and search for the word ‘critical’ – the first definition offered

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Neil's blog

Flush with success

Archimedes was famously sat in his bathtub when he had his eureka moment.  My guess is that he had taken to his tub for a

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Simon's blog

Oh for food’s sake!

“Oh for food’s sake” is the podcast brainchild of Amy Wilkinson (a Coach and Mentor raising awareness of the needs of NPD professionals in the

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Simon's blog

Innovation with purpose

Neil and I collaborated on a short opinion piece for the Journal of the Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST) all about “innovation with

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Helena's food blog

Asparagus three ways…

Everything has seemed a little late arriving this year, with a protracted feeling of anticipation, not helped by the soggiest May on record.

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